Becoming a classified patient

Classified patients refer to patients that are in
custody for pending or finalised criminal charges but
require assessment or treatment in an authorised
mental health service (AMHS).

A person may become a classified patient either for
assessment OR for treatment and care.


Refers to a person detained in a prison, a police watch-house, or
youth detention centre. S 63

Prisons are not authorised mental health services.

Administrator Consent S 69:

The relevant AMHS administrator must consent to the admission of
the person to the inpatient unit at the AMHS (signed consent form).

Custodian Consent S 71:

The person in charge of the relevant prison must consent for the
person to be transported and admitted to an inpatient unit of the
AMHS (signed consent form).

Chief Psychiatrist Consent (minor to high secure unit ONLY) S 70:

The Chief Psychiatrist must approve the transport of a person
under 18 years old to a high security unit.

Forensic Order (Disability) and Classified Patients

A person in custody who is under a Forensic Order (Disability) can
become a classified patient through the process outlines, as long
as they require assessment or treatment for a mental illness. They
cannot be admitted for the sole purpose of care for intellectual or
cognitive disability.

Classified Patients and Criminal Proceedings

All criminal proceedings against a patient are suspended while they
are a classified patient. S 616 The court can still grant bail and have
charges withdrawn. S 620

Limited Community Treatment as a Classified Patient

An authorised doctor can only approve limited community
treatment for classified patients consisting of escorted on the
grounds of the AMHS with the written approval of the Chief
Psychiatrist. S 219

See also the Chief Psychiatrist’s Policy ( )
and Chief Psychiatrist’s Practice Guidelines (
Unless otherwise specified, references to sections (s) are from the
Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld)

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