Mental Health Act – Rights

Consumer Rights Resources

The following consumer resources are available to help patients, their families, carers and other support persons understand the provisions for consumers under the Mental Health Act 2016.

Key Rights Document - Qld Health Statement of Rights

Quick Rights Factsheets, Brochures and Videos

Guide to Patient Rights

For a comprehensive guide to all rights refer to – Mental Health Act 2016 – Guide to Patient Rights (Queensland Health)

Translated Mental Health Resources

Some of the above consumer resources are also available in other languages

Independent Patient Rights Advisors

Independent Patient Rights Advisers (IPRAs) are available to advise patients and their nominated support persons, family, carers and other support persons of their rights under the Act. For more information on IPRAs, see our page on Independent patient Rights Advisors.

Other Fact Sheets and FAQs


The Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch (Department of Health) credit the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service with the development and design of the following generic patient rights videos and their statewide consultation throughout the production process.

Chief Psychiatrist Policies


Forms and Guides

AHD and EPOA Checklists



If the person is concerned about their mental health treatment, they can make a complaint to the Hospital and Health Service. If the person is still unsatisfied with the response, they can complain about a health service provider to the Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO). Office of the Health Ombudsman (Queensland Health's service complaints agency) may be able to help. Call 133 646 or email.

If the person is concerned that there has been a breach of their human rights, they can contact the Queensland Human Rights Commission and lodge a complaint after complaining to their health service. For information about accessing this visit

To understand how more about making a complaint about mental health care, see our page Mental Health – Complaints.

Consumer Rights Summary

The Statement of Rights (PDF) has important information about patients' rights under the Mental Health Act 2016, and applies to:
  • involuntary patients (eg a person subject to a treatment authority made by a doctor under the Mental Health Act 2016
  • voluntary patients being treated in a mental health service
  • the patient’s family, carers and other support persons.
A patient has the right to:
  • have a written Statement of Rights prepared and explained to them, and a copy given to them, their nominated support person or family carer if requested
  • reasonable steps being made to ensure they understand the information given to them, and to have explanations given to their nominated support person
  • visits from their family, carer and other support people
  • visits from a health practitioner, legal or other adviser at any reasonable time
  • request a second opinion about their treatment and care—this may be made by someone on their behalf
  • talk to an Independent Patient Rights Advisor.
Reference and for more information:


Statement of Rights (PDF – Queensland Health)
Statement of Rights Factsheet (PDF)
Independent Patient Rights Advisors (IPRAs) Contact List (PDF)

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