Mental Health – Resources for Lawyers

Mental Health – Resources for Lawyers

Legal Workers’ Resilience and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Lawyers – Collaboration Project

The Mental Health Collaboration Project aimed to increase access to justice for clients with mental illness by providing community lawyers with skills and resources to work effectively and collaboratively with this client group, to meet all their legal needs. In 2017 this project delivered guidelines, learning videos and resources for lawyers to assist their work which can be found at

Best Practice Guidelines for Lawyers to Assist Individuals with a Mental Illness

To understand about best practice approaches also see our page Mental Health – Recovery

Practical Guide for Working with Carers of People with a Mental Illness

In addition to the above guide,  Carer Guide Library, Carer guide App, and self-assessment tools for workers and organisations can be found at

Health Justice Australia

Health Justice Australia is the national centre of excellence for health justice partnerships, supporting collaborations between services to achieve better health and justice outcomes for vulnerable communities. To understand more about health justice partnerships or to access research or practitioners go to or

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